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CenterLink's Statement on Defunding

CenterLink News

CenterLink, July 20,2023

CenterLink's Statement on Defunding Image All News

 “Stripping funding from LGBTQ community centers - organizations that offer vital programming to ensure that members of vulnerable populations feel safe, connected, and empowered - is unconscionable and dangerous," said Denise Spivak, CEO of CenterLink. " LGBTQ Americans need the services that community centers provide now more than ever. We stand with our centers in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and across this country, in advocating for EVERY American's right to live authentically and safely, free from discrimination and hate."

Pennsylvania's Vibrant Network of LGBTQ Centers image

Pennsylvania's Vibrant Network of LGBTQ Centers

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The Critical Role of LGBTQ Centers: Why They Matter More Than Ever

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Honoring the Stonewall Uprising: Impact of LGBTQ Centers

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